Solo Travel
Solo travel isn’t for everyone and honestly, I’d prefer to travel with someone! However, I have such a desire to travel the world, that I know there are times when solo travel is a must. I’m more introverted, and I enjoy doing things by myself at times, so an occasional trip solo to a destination where I feel safe is a non-issue.
If you are considering solo travel, it can be both liberating and confronting. It can be both beautiful and lonely. If you’re not okay being alone at times, solo travel might not be for you.
I love travel so much, so it just happens that sometimes I go solo. If you’re looking for some solo travel inspiration, I loved my trip to Fiji solo, but your options are endless! It’s just a matter of feeling safe, so start with destinations you are more confident with and take baby steps from there.
Solo Travel
Is Solo Travel Lonely?
Am I Ready to Travel Alone?
The Ultimate Guide to Fiji Island Hopping Tours: Explore Paradise One Island at a Time
Exploring Fiji: A Comprehensive Guide to Yasawa Islands Ferry
Best Solo Travel Spots in Fiji
How to Respect Fijian Culture as a Tourist
Blue Lagoon Beach Resort Fiji | Review As A Solo Traveler
Mantaray Island Resort Fiji | Review as a Solo Traveler
Barefoot Kuata Island Resort Fiji | Review As A Solo Traveler
The Ultimate Fiji Packing List: Essentials for a Tropical Getaway
Fiji Solo Travel | Is It Awkward or Awesome?
Beginner Surf Lessons in Fiji
Blue Lagoon Caves Fiji | Are the Sawa-i-Lau Caves Worth Visiting?
Is Fiji Safe for Solo Female Travellers?
Bull Shark Dive Fiji | Is It Worth It?
Island Hopping Fiji | Two Weeks Solo
Fiji vs Hawaii: Which Pacific Paradise Should You Visit?
Destinations to Consider
I haven’t traveled to the below destinations solo, but I do think they are worth considering! Again, you want to feel safe wherever you choose.
If you are on the fence about a destination, shelf it for now, and go somewhere you can feel more at ease. This will help build confidence. Regardless of where you go use common sense, trust your gut, and practice normal safety precautions.